Management HSE

Industrial Hygiene

Industrial Hygiene Advices, Arbitrations,
Management and Audit Strategy:

Biological hazards,
Chemical hazards,
Noise at the workstation,
Ergonomics at workstations,

Creating tool boxes, check lists,
Calls for tenders for services,

Setting up software,

Prepared and tracked according to ISO 45001. Dashboards for Safety Hygiene Committees.


Security Advices, Arbitrations,
Management strategy and audits:

Analysis of accidents,
Regulatory Analysis,
Risk analysis followed by action plans
Zoning ATEX,
Training and empowerment,
Crisis cell,
Check list,
Hazardous Work Permits,
Seism Issues,
Call for tenders for services,
Setting up software,

Prepared and tracked according to ISO 45001.
Dashboards for Safety Hygiene Committees.


Industrial Hygiene Advices, Arbitrations,
Management and Audit Strategy:

Regulatory Analysis,
Modelling of noise nuisances,
Analysis of annual reporting,
Waste management,
VOC follow-up,
Air quality,
Soil quality, IED Initial part,
Recovery of extinguishing water.
Tool box, check lists,
Call for tenders for services,
Setting up software,

Prepared and tracked according to ISO 14001.

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